Cave of Alistrati

Cave of Alistrati

The cave of Alistratis, which is a pole of attraction for many visitors, is considered to be one of the most beautiful and big caves of the country.

The cave became known to the Speleological Society (EKE) on May 19, 1975 after a relevant document from the Alistratis Community.

The first impressions of Greek and foreign speleologists, geologists and explorers were very encouraging.

The surface of the cave (that has been discoverd so far) is 25,000 m2 and at many locationsthere are deposits of small and large thickness. 

In a few points on the surface of the cave were found over-crushed bones, belonging, on a rough examination, to known animals of our era. However, paleontological and prehistoric finds may be present in the rich sediments of the cave.

The cave has towering ceilings, oversized stalactites, and a rare micro-deco of “eccentric”, a kind of stalactites that grow in different directions.

The primary cause of its origin is the solubility of limestones in the area. The antechamber of the cave is a hall of 8m height, from which start high galleries and rich decoration of stalactites and stalagmites.

From the reception area measuring 60 meters wide, 100 meters long and 20-30 meters high, the main branches of the cave grow right and left.

In the galleries of the cave are encountered eccentric whitewashes with various shapes, thin tubular forms of stalactites reaching up to 15m high, as well as double or swollen or flattened or branched forms called “heliktites”.  There are also red stalactites, which have been stained with surface stone materials, as well as huge kilns that form dams or passages of exceptional beauty.

The height of the largest stoa reaches about 35 m, and at some point there is a very small chamber measuring 2 m in width, 3 m in length and 50-60 cm in height.

The total length of the known main runways as well as the secondary corridors is approximately 3 km.

In the cave there are cavernous organisms, including diliopods, myriopods and bats, and after a study of climatic conditions, superb natural ventilation has been found in all its parts.

The temperature inside the cave in May was found after measurements stable at almost 20 ° C, while its humidity was 70 – 75%.

Official Site Of The Cave

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