Gorge & Bridge of Angitis River

Gorge & Bridge of Angitis River

The 15 km long gorge of the Angitis River is considered a paradise on earth, since this deep and narrow river valley between hard rocks offers the visitor a unique beauty and unprecedented experience.

The gorge and the bridge of Aggitis River along with the steep walls of the narrow valley are one of the constructions of the Macedonians of Philip II in an effort to drain the tangos in the areas of Philippi and Drama.

The valley was created in four evolutionary stages, during the neogene and quaternary, and is known by the names “Straits of Stone” and “Canal”.

According to a journal published by the Museum of Natural History in Vienna (February 1978), rock paintings depicting camels, deer, horsemen holding the reins and ribs, as well as abstract designs, were found in three areas.

From the depictions of the horsemen, it is speculated that the rock paintings were made in the 5th – 6th century AD.

The main feature in the gorge of Argitis is the deep fissures that start from the village Symboli and reach the village Lefkothea. The course of the river in the ravine is not straight and in many places the water touches the rocks while on others there are deposits.

The “caves” and arches created over time are a surprising beauty.

The flora of the valley includes all kinds of wild species, and the fauna is also rich.

The construction of a bridging runway of Alistratis cave with the canyon, the construction of walking paths planned by the regional authorities, will make this unique natural beauty more accessible to visitors.

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