In connection with the implementation of contract № 98-00-270/04.10.2018 for: “Organization of a “white-shared” training week”, regarding the implementation of project “Green” employment in the management of biowastes” (Green_Crew), funded under Priority axis 4: A Socially Inclusive Cross-Border Area, Thematic objective 09: Promoting social inclusion, combating poverty and all discrimination, Investment Priority 9c: Providing Support for Social Enterprises, Specific Objective 9: To expand social entrepreneurship in the CB area under the INTERREG V-A “Greece-Bulgaria” 2014-2020 Cooperation Programme” and Request № 1/05.10.2018 of the Assignor, I have implemented the following activities:
Prepared an Agenda for the training, which is applied in Annex 1
Provided lecturers, moderator and translator for the event. The lecturers for the days
were: Anny Vassileva, Georgia Papapanagiotou, Maria Giortsou, eng. Diana Stefanova
Prepared and disseminated invitations for the training
Provided hotel accommodation for the participants, lecturers and the moderator
Provided transportation to and from the hotel for the participants, lecturers and the
Provided catering for 60 participants, including: breakfasts, lunches, coffee-breaks and
Provided a training hall for 60 participants in the hotel
Provided presentation equipment
Elaborated materials for the participants – 80 pcs, including:
– Eco notebook with eco pen, color indexes, sticky notes with bamboo covers.
Notebook size: 14x18x1cm,
– Composter for each of the participants – color: black, 320 litres,
– Cotton shopping bag – dimensions: 380х420 мм,
– Gardening kit, including 4-piece tools – a hand shovel, weeding shovel, hand paddle
and hand digger,
– Raincoat.
Prepared Participant list, which is applied in Annex 2
Provided photos from the training, which is applied in Annex 3
Ensured practical training on the third day of the training – the photos are applied in
Annex 3
Prepared Questionnaires for feedback, which are applied in Annex 4
Prepared and disseminated an Activity Report from the “white-shared” training week.
In the preliminary preparation of the event were prepared the Invitation and the Agenda of the event which were sent to the Contracting Authority. The training was attended by representatives of different institutions, such as: Municipality of Blagoevgrad, South West University “Neofit Rilski” Blagoevgrad, RIEW – Blagoevgrad, District administration –Blagoevgrad, Directorate National Park “Rila”, Regional Education Management – Blagoevgrad, the project partners of Municipality of Blagoevgrad from Municipality of Serres, representatives from the AUTh, and others.
On October 22, 2018 (the first day of the “white-shared” training week) specialized transport transferred the participants, lecturers, translator and the moderator to the hotel and the conference room. The attendance list of the event was completed. The event was opened by Mrs Zornitsa Kraleva-Toncheva, Deputy Mayor for european projects and programmes in Municiplaity of Blagoevgrad, the lecturer Anny Vassileva and the moderator Yana Yanakieva. After presenting the topic of the “White Training Week” and the introductory words, the participants were acquainted with the first topic: “Undrstanding European, National and Local legislation in the context of the set targets for limiting the amount of biodegradable waste destined for landfilling”. A translator was provided who translated during all the lectures from Bulgarian to Greek and vice versa. After the lecture,
the participants had free time and dinner.
On October 23, 2018 (the second day of the “white-shared” training week), was presented the second topic of the training, which was explained by the Greek lecturer Georgia Papapanagiotsou – representative of the AUTh. The topic was “Social cooperative enterprises in Greece” and triggered a detailed discussion after its presentation. After the coffee break, the Greek lecturer presented the next theme from the Agenda: “Good practices in social cooperative enterpreunership in Greece”.
After the coffee-break the discussion continued with the presentation of the lecturer Anny Vassileva on topic: “Waste management practices in the region of Blagoevgrad. Morfology and quantities of biodegradable waste in the main striems of domestic waste”, where detailed practices for separate collection of household waste were described.
After the coffee-break Mrs Anny Vassileva introduced the participants in the composting techniques. The theme of her presentation was: “Composting technologies and practices”. With this presentation, the lecturer prepared the participants for the next day of the “white-shared” training week (23.10.2018), when the participants visited the Regional waste landfill in the town of Razlog in order to get acquainted with the techniques of composting and the finished compost. After the practical training the participants were transferred back to the hotel.
On October 24, 2018 (the third day of the “white-shared” training week) the training continued with a lecture of Maria Giortsou from Greece on topic: “Process of waste management in Greece”, followed by the next presentation on topic: “Best practices of waste management in Greece”. After the organized lunch the participants and the organizers visited the Regional waste landfill in the town of Razlog in order to get acquainted with the techniques of composting and the finished compost. They were welcomed by a representative of the landfill – Mr. Petar Belchev – Director of the regional
landfill. He presented how the compost was prepared by showing and explaining the techniques of waste treatment. The main theme of the event was: “Understanding the operation of the installation”. The visitors had the opportunity to see the facilities as well as to observe the process of waste reprocessing.
On October 25, 2018 the training was conducted in the conference room of the hotel,
starting with the lecture of Mrs. Anny Vassileva on the tgopic: “Participation of the public.
Possible scenarios at the local level – Blagoevgrad and the region” – Part I. The coffee break broke the lecture in two parts and after the prologue of the second part: “Participation of the public. Possible scenarios at the local level – Blagoevgrad and the region” – Part II, the participants formed a discussion related to the topic.
After the organized lunch, the training of the participants continued with the presentation following presentation: “Municipal structure of wastes: Infrastructure, recultivation of the waste depot, landfill gas” of the lecturer eng. Diana Stefanova. She explained to the participants the municipal structures for separate waste collection. The lecture was again divided into two parts and after the coffee break and presentation of the second part, the participants again held a discussion.
On October 26, 2018 (the last day of the “white-shared” training week), the participants
participated in the Questions/Answers panel, finalizing the topics and the overall training.
To all of the participants were given materials including the following:
– Eco notebook with eco pen, color indexes, sticky notes with bamboo covers;
– Composter ;
– Cotton shopping bag;
– Gardening kit, including 4-piece tools – a hand shovel, weeding shovel, hand paddle
and hand digger;
– Raincoat.
During the implementation of the above-mentioned activities, I took due account of the
requirements of the Contracting Authority, the technical and price proposal I submitted and the
requirements set out in the Information and Publicity Project Partners Guidebook and the
Brand Design manual of the INTERREG V-A “Greece – Bulgaria” 2014-2020 Cooperation