Final conference Blagoevgrad On 02.10.2020 the Municipality of Blagoevgrad held a final press conference on the project “Green employment in the management of biodegradable waste” (Green_Crew), Subsidy Agreement № B2.9c.11 from 06.10.2017. The project is funded by the Cross-border Cooperation Program INTERREG VA “Greece – Bulgaria” 2014-2020 The project team presented the final results of
In the framework of the implementation of “Green Crew” project ,the 3nd technical meeting of the partners took place on 7 th of February 2020, at the premises of Municipality of Nestos. The project is implemented in the framework of INTERREG V-A “Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020” and is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund(ERDF) and by
REPORT OF THE ACTION SMART EDUCATION in the framework of the project Green jobs in bio-waste management-Green Crew The Municipality of Serres, the Lead Partner of the cooperative scheme that implements the project "GREEN EMPLOYMENT IN MANAGEMENT OF BIOWASTES under the INTERREG VA GREECE – BULGARIA 2014-2020 C& Program, Priority Axis 4, Objective 9c: Enhancement
PRESS RELEASE SUBJECT: IMPLEMENTATION OF "SMART EDUCATION" ACTION 6-10 MAY 2019 The Municipality of Serres, as the lead partner of the project "Green Employment in the management of Biowaste" with Acronym Green Crew, co-funded by the VA INTERREG Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020 Program, successfully implemented the SMART EDUCATION action, having as a main objective to inform participants concerning the social
The Circular Economy is the new EU policy which aims at a more sustainable production model. Through the Circular economy, waste is converted into raw material and either reused to create new products or processed for the purpose of producing energy, for example what is known in many people as bio-gas. So far, the global economy is working
Circular Economy and opportunities that arise in Serres The Circular Economy is the new EU policy which aims at a more sustainable production model. Through the Circular economy, waste is converted into raw material and either reused to create new products or processed for the purpose of producing energy, for example what is known in many
The 5th Call of Project Proposals “Grant scheme for supporting SMEs to grow and expand beyond local markets”, under Priority Axis 1 “A Competitive and Innovative Cross-Border Area” of the Cooperation Programme INTERREG V-A “Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020” has been announced! Information Days for potential applicants will be organized in both countries on the following dates: – Friday, the 1st of February 2019
Press release for the “Training Week” which took place in Municipality of Blagoevgrad (22.10.2018-26.10.2018) In connection with the implementation of a project ““Green” employment in the management of biowastes” (Green_Crew), funded under the INTERREG V-A “Greece-Bulgaria” 2014-2020 Cooperation Programme, Priority axis 4: A Socially Inclusive Cross-Border Area, Thematic objective 09: Promoting social inclusion,
Activity report by Mrs Desislava Kuzmnova-Ivnova,manager of the enterprise which organized the “Training Week” in Municipality of Blagoevgrad” In connection with the implementation of contract № 98-00-270/04.10.2018 for: “Organization of a “white-shared” training week”, regarding the implementation of project “Green” employment in the management of biowastes” (Green_Crew), funded under Priority axis 4: A